Strategic objective

To facilitate sustainable cooperation between national and international research funding bodies in the area of food authenticity, to improve the competitiveness of the food supply chain and the consumer confidence in it, by means of better-coordinated, cost-effective R&D

Specific objectives
To achieve the overall goal, this Authent-Net has been structured around a set of interrelated measurable, realistic and achievable objectives. The specific objectives of the Authent-Net action are to:

SO1 build a network of Member State research funding bodies, to increase knowledge transfer and facilitate transnational co-operation [WP3, WP5 and WP6],
SO2 develop an openly available harmonised set of terms and definitions for use in the food authenticity area [WP3] that will help transnational discussion and stocktaking,
SO3 “map” out food authenticity in Europe and undertake stocktaking and analysis of existing data (e.g., national research projects, methods, commodities, databases, regulations, etc.) in the area of food authenticity, with a view of developing synergies and contacts amongst competent organisations [WP1],
SO4 evaluate the gaps and complementarities in European funding of food authenticity R&D and assess them against the international landscape, in order to maximise synergies and impact and address where further research is needed [WP2],
SO5 develop a rationale and a recommendation for a high level strategic research agenda for transnational research programmes in Europe, extensively based on key stakeholder input [WP3],
SO6 establish a dynamic and sustainable European information platform, the Food Authenticity Research Network Hub (FARNH) for sharing and accessing information on food authenticity and related activities [WP4],
SO7 draft a white paper identifying the rationale for an ERA-NET on food authenticity [WP3],
SO8 actively disseminate the action aims and outcomes to other relevant research providers, and related stakeholders [WP5].

Contact Us

Project Email: Authent-Net@fera.co.uk
Project Co-ordinator: Paul Brereton
Project Managers: Claire Sykes, Verda Fazlic
Fera Science Ltd., Sand Hutton, York, North Yorkshire, YO41 1LZ, United Kingdom

“This project has received funding from the European Union´s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 696371”.

Disclaimer: The information expressed on this website reflects the authors’ views; the European Commission is not liable for the information contained therein.
